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How Many Chest Exercises Per Workout To Do

How Many Chest Exercises Per Workout To Do

Determining the ideal number of chest exercises per workout depends on various factors, including fitness goals, experience level, and workout intensity.

Whether you’re a seasoned gym-goer or just starting, finding the right balance ensures progress while avoiding overtraining. In this article, we’ll explore and guide you on how many chest exercises you should include in your workout sessions.

Here’s a general guideline- as a beginner lifter, you should aim for doing 2-3 chest exercises per workout. As an intermediate lifter, you should aim for 3-4 chest exercises per workout. And as an advanced lifter, you should aim for 4-5 exercises per workout. The frequency factor also comes into play. Let us discuss it in detail.

1) How Many Chest Exercises Per Workout To Do as a Beginner

For beginners, starting with a balanced and manageable number of chest exercises is crucial to build a foundation without risking overtraining. Here’s a guideline:

Frequency: Aim for 2-3 chest workouts per week to allow sufficient recovery time for muscle growth.

Sets and Repetitions: Start with 2-3 sets of each exercise to adapt to the new routine. Focus on 8-12 repetitions per set for a combination of strength and hypertrophy.

Exercise Selection: Begin with 1-2 chest exercises per workout, emphasizing fundamental movements like bench presses and push-ups. This provides a solid foundation for overall chest development.

Progression: Gradually increase the intensity and complexity of exercises as strength and endurance improve. This could involve adding variations or incorporating new movements over time. Keep a record of your previous weight and aim to increase it once in a while.

Sample Chest workout Routine for Beginners

Barbell Bench Press3-48-12
Dumbbell Flyes310-15
Push-Ups3To Failure

2) How Many Chest Exercises Per Workout To Do as an Intermediate Lifter

As an intermediate lifter, optimizing your chest workout involves a balanced approach to volume and intensity. Here’s a guide:

Frequency: Train your chest 2-3 times per week to allow for adequate recovery and stimulation.

Sets and Repetitions: Aim for 3-4 sets per exercise with a rep range of 8-12. This combination promotes both strength and hypertrophy in the intermediate stage.

Exercise Selection: Include 3-4 chest exercises per workout, covering various angles and movements. Compound exercises like bench press, incline press, and flyes should be staples for overall development.

Intensity Techniques: Introduce intensity techniques such as drop sets, supersets, or paused reps to challenge your muscles and stimulate further growth.

Progression: Continuously strive for progressive overload by increasing weights or improving form. This ensures ongoing adaptation and muscle development.

Sample Chest workout Routine for Intermediates

Barbell Bench Press3-48-12
Incline Dumbbell Press310-15
Machine Chest Press310-12
Chest Dips3To Failure

3) How Many Chest Exercises Per Workout To Do as an Advanced Lifter

For advanced lifters aiming for continued chest development and strength, a focused and challenging approach is essential. Here’s a comprehensive guide:

Frequency: Train your chest 2-3 times per week, allowing sufficient recovery between sessions for optimal performance and growth.

Sets and Repetitions: Aim for 3-4 sets per exercise with a rep range of 6-10. This rep range targets both strength and hypertrophy, crucial for advanced lifters.

Exercise Selection: Include 4-5 chest exercises per workout, incorporating a mix of compound movements (bench press variations, dips) and isolation exercises (flyes, cable crossovers). This variety ensures comprehensive muscle engagement.

Intensity Techniques: Implement advanced intensity techniques like rest-pause sets, drop sets, and supersets to maximize muscle stimulation and break through plateaus.

Periodization: Incorporate periodization strategies, alternating between phases of high volume and high intensity, to prevent adaptation and promote continuous gains.

Listen to Your Body: Advanced lifters should pay close attention to their body’s response and adjust volume and intensity based on recovery, fatigue, and individual response.

Sample Chest workout Routine for Advanced Lifters

Barbell Bench Press3-48-12
Incline Dumbbell Flyes310-15
Chest Dips3To Failure
Decline Barbell Bench Press3-48-12
Cable Crossover312-15

Risks Of Overdoing Chest Exercises Per Workout

Performing more than the recommended number of chest exercises in a single workout can have drawbacks for several reasons:

Overtraining Risk: Doing too many chest exercises in one session may lead to overtraining, causing fatigue, increased injury risk, and reduced performance in subsequent workouts.

Diminished Returns: Exceeding 3-4, as an average, chest exercises can result in diminished returns, where the additional volume may not contribute significantly to muscle growth and could lead to suboptimal quality volume.

Quality over Quantity: Focusing on a few effective chest exercises allows for better form and concentrated effort, ensuring the quality of each repetition and promoting muscle engagement.

Avoiding Trash Volume: Too many movements can introduce excessive “trash” volume, which may not contribute positively to muscle hypertrophy and could lead to unnecessary strain on the body.

In summary, adhering to the recommended number of chest exercises per workout helps strike a balance between effective stimulation and avoiding the negative consequences of overtraining and excessive volume.


In conclusion, determining the ideal number of chest exercises per workout is a nuanced process that depends on individual fitness goals, preferences, and overall workout structure. While some sources suggest a general recommendation of 3-4 chest exercises per session, it’s crucial to tailor your approach based on personal factors such as fitness level and time constraints. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 1-3 sets per exercise with 8-12 repetitions for muscle hypertrophy. Ultimately, a balanced and well-rounded chest workout routine, incorporating exercises like the barbell bench press and incline dumbbell press, can contribute to muscle growth and strength building. Experimentation and consistency are key to finding the optimal number of chest exercises that align with your fitness objectives.

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